Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays

Lysses loves Santa. He just doesn't like being away from Momma.
Lys and HP anxiously await their chance to talk to Santa.
"gotta get my walking shoes on"

Liam is 15 months old

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

watching "Frosty" after trimming the tree

some Art Time with Lys and HP
"Why, Yes. That is a scary costume."
Liam's first Halloween Pumpkin

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Phone Photos 3

Hey! Look who is 14 months old today!
top 'o the mornin' to ye.
"Lys" clearly inherited his DaDas hair.
Stand & Deliver

Lil' Skelly

Liams Halloween outfit

catch up part II

Some say "He's curious, we say "Nosey"
Liam makes this face when DaDa sings "Yummy,Yummy,Yummy in my Tummy,Tummy,Tummy.
Taking one of his fleet of cars out for a spin.
"Lys" adding to his collection of nose prints in the glass

catch up

We have been really busy around here since Liams birthday, sorry for the lack of updates.

these are shots of "Lys" is my 1st birthday suit

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Random Liam pics

Lounging on his Elmo "reading couch".
Teaching Dada how to play guitar.
Liam showing his disapproval of the space heater. (actually his displeasure with not being allowed to touch it)

reading to dada for a change.

Family outing to the Pumpkin Patch

Liam picking his pumpkin.
Playing "pat-pat" on Momma's head.

Liam enjoyed his first ride on a tractor.

Liam - the friendly ghost.

more pumpkin patch.

Liam pointing at the cows.

Liam showing Dada the "pink pig".
